Hello, my name is Tairan Smith and I was selected to be a part of the 2018 Europe Trip through the CGA Academy. This great opportunity gave me the chance to be coached and scouted by professional coaches, make new friends and contacts, train in high quality facilities, and later prepare me for my future.
Throughout the trip, I played against many different clubs across both Germany and Romania. Each game provided me with the opportunity to be invited back to Europe and possibly pursue a career in soccer. Training sessions were also part of the experience, which provided me with the international friendships that I have to this day. Both the trainings and games were held in high quality facilities which was part of the great experience.
This trip not only further developed me as a soccer player, but provided me with the opportunity to experience the world and European culture at a young age, something many people don’t get the chance to do in their lifetime. It matured and helped prepare me not only as an athlete, but as an individual entering the early stages of my life, as well as gave me the exposure to professional coaches and trainings.