CGA Academy Soccer Club is the premier youth soccer organization in East Idaho, ages 5U-19U for boys and girls, covering all major communities. CGA has three training centers in Pocatello, Idaho Falls and Teton Valley.
CGA Academy Soccer Club

CGA Academy Soccer Club is committed to promoting excellence in the educational, character, and physical development of adolescents by offering a rigorous and challenging athletic experience. Sport will be used to instill the qualities of leadership, teamwork, dedication, perseverance, loyalty, and fair play. These values will be tested and strengthened in the heat of competition. Participants will learn to cope with success and failure and to be humble in victory and proud in defeat, and will understand that the athletic competition is preparing them for the ultimate competition: life.
Mission Statement

The mission of CGA Academy Soccer Club is to provide youth soccer players ages 5 to 19 a place to play soccer and to receive quality coaching in a safe and positive environment. The club is a family-friendly organization that offers both recreational and travel team soccer as well as camps and clinics for members and the surrounding community. Players of all skill levels are encouraged to play, and the club strives to conduct all business in a professional, fair, and customer-friendly environment that puts the interest of the players first.

The vision of CGA Academy Soccer Club is to be the best at player development in Eastern Idaho. Through our leadership, we will inspire, create and sustain a thriving soccer culture of shared values, experiences and goals. We will maintain quality over quantity. We will develop the infrastructure to become self-reliant and solidify our position with in our community by maintaining a full time staff.
We want to become the best club in the state, in all age groups, by competing every year for the State Championship.