Prices and Fees

Fee structure is based on year long commitment. The fees cover tournament and league registrations, coaches travel, training fee, field usage, indoor rental facilities, field maintenance, administrative fees, player liability and insurance, state (IYSA) fees, player evaluations, college advisory platforms.
Families have the option to pay the fees in full for the whole year and get a $50.00 discount or set up a payment plan consisting of an initial, non-refundable, fee and spread the rest of the amount for ten months, August through May. Families that choose the payment plan will be charged a one time card processing fee of $25.00. Families with multiple players receive a siblings discount of $10/month/player.

Teams will have the option to add an out of budget regional tournament to their schedule that will be charged extra based on the tournament fee and travel expenses.
Every even year, competitive players are required to purchase a complete uniform kit that includes home and away Nike uniforms, warmups and training shirt.